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I'd like to thank a bunch of people who have enabled me to complete this project.


My darling wife, Nicole Howe, who went without me for more than a few evenings and helped me cut out the camoflage patterns.


Harrison Krix (Volpin Props) for creating such a fantastic kit and talking with me about where this prop could go years ago.


Andrew Roddewig for lore advice and help with gathering reference materials.


Sean Dobes for the absolutely on-point EPROM chip and other knick knacks you provided.


Tim Eckert for proof reading "The Hammer and the Sphinx" and giving me some great input on the content.


Rufus Howe for the amazing photographs. Check his other work out here


The posters at the CD Projekt Red forums.


And last but not least, Mike Pondsmith and everyone at CD Projekt Red for inspiring me to push my art and fiction to the next level.


I hope you've enjoyed it!


Greg Howe







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